Energy Cost Comparison
Spokane, WA

Monthly Home Heating Cost Comparison

Disclaimer: Cost comparison chart is based on 10,236,000 BTU'S -- which is an average cost for a $300 month heating bill on straight electric heat with Avista Utilities. This chart is intended to show the comparison between energy sources and efficiency differences per energy source and utility company January 2018. Do not use this chart to calculate your monthly heating bills.

Avista Rebates

Primary Heating System Efficiency of System Fuel Cost Monthly Home Heating Costs
Electric Heat 100% $0.10 per kWh $300.00
Heat Pump 270% $0.10 per kWh $111.00
Ductless 293% $0.10 per kWh $103.45
Natural Gas 80% $0.91 per Therm $116.43
Natural Gas 95% $0.91 per Therm $98.05
Natural Gas 98% $0.91 per Therm $95.05
Oil 80% $2.45 per Gallon $217.51
Propane 95% $1.95 per Gallon $228.38

Inland Power Rebates

Primary Heating System Efficiency of System Fuel Cost Monthly Home Heating Costs
Electric Heat 100% $0.085 per kWh $195.00
Heat Pump 270% $0.085 per kWh $72.22
Ductless 293% $0.085 per kWh $65.55
Natural Gas 80% N/A
Natural Gas 95% N/A
Natural Gas 98% N/A
Oil 80% N/A
Propane 95% N/A

A Spokane Comfort Systems, Inc. sales rep will be more than happy to explain how installing a new high efficiency system will help save you money each month and provide a more comfortable environment to live in. please call today (509) 324-7884 or contact us today.